Our Services

Since 1982, Pro Body Works has been meeting the collision repair needs of Maine and New England residents. We know how important your vehicle is to you. We pay attention to the smallest details to ensure your satisfaction.

  • Certified I-CAR Technicians & Welders

  • 10,000 Sq. Ft. Shop

  • Lifetime Warranty on All Work

  • State of the Art Facility

  • Repairing all Makes & Models

  • Down-Draft Oven Baked Paint Finish


State of the Art Equipment


Spanesi Touch electronic measuring

Touch 4.0

Stylish and sleek design , The latest Touch design takes its cues from the “Spanesi 360° Concept”. Sleek, clean and elegant lines set this measuring system apart from the pack. This visionary trolley contains all the accessories necessary for vehicle measuring, with a compartment for the PC and another for the printer.


 Pro Body Works is a direct repair facility for most major insurance companies We work with virtually every insurance company.

The Hartford.png

Friendly, courteous service before, during, and after your repair!